Select Number of Passengers

How many passengers will you have?

* $500.00 deposit per person plus optional travel insurance





* If registering with a spouse, you will be matched together automatically.
All prices are based on two persons to a room at all hotels. A private single room is at an additional cost of $80.00 per hotel night.



There will be a Land Only passengers form that will be sent to cover overseas airport transfer options once you are registered.

If you are traveling with a host you will be coordinated from the city on the brochure. If you need airfare from another international departing city, please note which city would be best.

If you need assistance getting to the alternative international city, please advise which city and we will work on coordinating flights 90 days prior to your departure.


If you are traveling with your church or a group, please list the name of your Tour Host. If you are joining this tour on your own please leave this field blank.